| GlobalMapObject () |
| Construct a new Global Map Object object.
| ~GlobalMapObject () |
| Destroy the Global Map Object object.
bool | addFrameObject (FrameObject::Ptr frame) |
| add frame to global map.
bool | removeFrameObject (int ID) |
bool | removeAllFrameObject () |
bool | updateFrameObject (FrameObject::Ptr frame) |
FrameObject::Ptr | getFrameObject (int ID) |
bool | getAllFrameObjectID (std::set< int > &IDs) |
int | getFrameSize () |
bool | addMapPoint (MapPointObject::Ptr mappoint) |
| add map point to global map.
bool | updateMapPoint (MapPointObject::Ptr mappoint) |
bool | removeMapPoint (int ID) |
bool | removeAllMapPoint () |
MapPointObject::Ptr | getMapPoint (int ID) |
bool | getAllMapPointID (std::set< int > &ID) |
int | getMappointSize () |
int | AssignMapID (int FrameID) |
int | AssignMappointID () |
bool | getMaps (std::set< std::map< int, FrameObject > > &Frames, std::set< std::map< int, MapPointObject > > &MapPoint) |
| get all related frame as a whole map, return different map frames, and Map Points. More...
bool | save (JsonNode &fs) override |
| save data and settings to file More...
bool | load (JsonNode &fs) override |
| load data and settings from file More...
virtual std::string | type_name () override |
| get the typename. More...
| DataFlowObject () |
| Construct a new Data Flow Object object.
virtual | ~DataFlowObject () |
| Destroy the Data Flow Object object.
| MVSObject () |
| Construct a new MVSObject object.
virtual | ~MVSObject () |
| Destroy the MVSObject object.
virtual bool | save (JsonNode &fs)=0 |
| save data and settings to file More...
virtual bool | load (JsonNode &fs)=0 |
| load data and settings from file More...
virtual std::string | type_name () |
| get the typename. More...
static GlobalMapObject::Ptr | Create () |
| create shared pointer of GlobalMapObject More...
static void | cvMat2Sophus (const cv::Mat1d &Mat, Sophus::SE3d &Pose) |
| create shared pointer of DataFlowObject, do NOT use this method directly, use the Create() method in derived class. More...
static void | Sophus2cvMat (const Sophus::SE3d &pose, cv::Mat1d &Mat) |
static cv::Mat1d | Rt2T (const cv::Mat1d &R, const cv::Mat1d &t) |
static std::tuple< cv::Mat1d, cv::Mat1d > | T2Rt (const cv::Mat1d &T) |