Python Structures

class isaacgym.gymapi.Version

Defines a major and minor version

property major
property minor
class isaacgym.gymapi.Vec3
cross(self: Vec3, arg0: Vec3) Vec3
dot(self: Vec3, arg0: Vec3) float
dtype = dtype([('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')])
static from_buffer(arg0: buffer) object
length(self: Vec3) float
length_sq(self: Vec3) float
normalize(self: Vec3) Vec3
property x
property y
property z
class isaacgym.gymapi.Quat

Quaternion representation in Gym

dtype = dtype([('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4'), ('w', '<f4')])
static from_axis_angle(arg0: Vec3, arg1: float) Quat
static from_buffer(arg0: buffer) object
static from_euler_zyx(arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) Quat
inverse(self: Quat) Quat
normalize(self: Quat) Quat
rotate(self: Quat, arg0: Vec3) Vec3
to_euler_zyx(self: Quat) Tuple[float, float, float]
property w
property x
property y
property z
class isaacgym.gymapi.Transform

Represents a transform in the system

dtype = dtype([('p', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')]), ('r', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4'), ('w', '<f4')])])
static from_buffer(arg0: buffer) object
inverse(self: Transform) Transform

the inverse of this transform.

Return type:


property p

Position, in meters

property r

Rotation Quaternion, represented in the format \(x\hat{i} + y\hat{j} + z\hat{k} + w\)

transform_point(self: Transform, arg0: Vec3) Vec3

Rotates point by transform quatertnion and adds transform offset


param1 (isaacgym.gymapi.Vec3) – Point to transform.


The transformed point.

Return type:


transform_points(self: Transform, arg0: numpy.ndarray[Vec3]) numpy.ndarray[Vec3]

Rotates points by transform quatertnion and adds transform offset


param1 (numpy.ndarray of isaacgym.gymapi.Vec3) – Points to transform.


The transformed points.

Return type:


transform_vector(self: Transform, arg0: Vec3) Vec3

Rotates vector by transform quatertnion


param1 (isaacgym.gymapi.Vec3) – Vector to transform.


The transformed vector.

Return type:


transform_vectors(self: Transform, arg0: numpy.ndarray[Vec3]) numpy.ndarray[Vec3]

Rotates vectors by transform quatertnion


param1 (numpy.ndarray of isaacgym.gymapi.Vec3) – Vectors to transform.


The transformed vectors.

Return type:


class isaacgym.gymapi.RigidBodyState

Containing states to get/set for a rigid body in the simulation

dtype = dtype([('pose', [('p', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')]), ('r', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4'), ('w', '<f4')])]), ('vel', [('linear', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')]), ('angular', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')])])])
property pose

Transform with position and orientation of rigid body

property vel

Set of angular and linear velocities of rigid body

class isaacgym.gymapi.RigidBodyProperties

Set of properties used for rigid bodies.

property com

center of mass in body space

property flags

Flags to enable certain behaivors on Rigid Bodies simulation. See isaacgym.gymapi.BodyFlags

property inertia

Inertia tensor relative to the center of mass.

property invInertia

Inverse of Inertia tensor.

property invMass

Inverse of mass value.

property mass

mass value, in kg

class isaacgym.gymapi.DofState

States of a Degree of Freedom in the Asset architecture

dtype = dtype([('pos', '<f4'), ('vel', '<f4')])
property pos

DOF position, in radians if it’s a revolute DOF, or meters, if it’s a prismatic DOF

property vel

DOF velocity, in radians/s if it’s a revolute DOF, or m/s, if it’s a prismatic DOF

class isaacgym.gymapi.DofFrame

Frame of a Degree of Freedom

property axis

direction for the DOF action

dtype = dtype([('origin', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')]), ('axis', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')])])
static from_buffer(arg0: buffer) object
property origin

position in environment for the DOF

class isaacgym.gymapi.Velocity

Holds linear and angular velocities, in $m/s$ and $radians/s$

property angular

angular velocity component

dtype = dtype([('linear', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')]), ('angular', [('x', '<f4'), ('y', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')])])
static from_buffer(arg0: buffer) object
property linear

Linear velocity component

class isaacgym.gymapi.Mat33

3x3 Matrix used for inetia tensor

property x
property y
property z
class isaacgym.gymapi.Mat44

4x4 Matrix

property w
property x
property y
property z
class isaacgym.gymapi.IndexRange

Used for passing start and end indexes of a vector when setting or getting data of a slice of the vector.

property count
property start
class isaacgym.gymapi.PlaneParams

Parameters for global ground plane

property distance

Ground plane distance from origin

property dynamic_friction

Coefficient of dynamic friction

property normal

Ground plane normal coefficient

property restitution

Coefficient of restitution

property segmentation_id

SegmentationID value for segmentation ground truth

property static_friction

Coefficient of static friction

class isaacgym.gymapi.AttractorProperties

The Attractor is used to pull a rigid body towards a pose. Each pose axis can be individually selected.

property axes

Axes to set the attractor, using GymTransformAxesFlags. Multiple axes can be selected using bitwise combination of each axis flag. if axis flag is set to zero, the attractor will be disabled and won’t impact in solver computational complexity.

property damping

Damping to be used on attraction solver.

property offset

Offset from rigid body origin to set the attractor pose.

property rigid_handle

Handle to the rigid body to set the attractor to

property stiffness

Stiffness to be used on attraction for solver. Stiffness value should be larger than the largest agent kinematic chain stifness

property target

Target pose to attract to.

class isaacgym.gymapi.RigidShapeProperties

Set of properties used for all rigid shapes.

property compliance

Coefficient of compliance. Determines how compliant the shape is. The smaller the value, the stronger the material will hold its shape. Value should be greater or equal to zero.

property contact_offset

Distance at which contacts are generated (used with PhysX only

property filter

Collision filter bitmask - shapes A and B only collide if (filterA & filterB) == 0.

property friction

Coefficient of static friction. Value should be equal or greater than zero.

property rest_offset

How far objects should come to rest from the surface of this body (used with PhysX only

property restitution

Coefficient of restitution. It’s the ratio of the final to initial velocity after the rigid body collides. Range [0,1]

property rolling_friction

Coefficient of rolling friction.

property thickness

How far objects should come to rest from the surface of this body (used with Flex only)

property torsion_friction

Coefficient of torsion friction.

class isaacgym.gymapi.ForceSensorProperties

Set of properties used for force sensors.

property enable_constraint_solver_forces

Enable to receive forces from constraint solver (default = True).

property enable_forward_dynamics_forces

Enable to receive forces from forward dynamics (default = True).

property use_world_frame

Enable to receive forces in the world rotation frame, otherwise they will be reported in the sensor’s local frame (default = False).

class isaacgym.gymapi.SoftMaterial

Soft Material definition

property activation

Current fiber activation.

property activationMax

Maximum activation value.

property damping

Material damping.

property model

Model type, See isaacgym.gymapi.SoftMaterialType

property poissons

Poisson Ration.

property youngs

Young Modulus.

class isaacgym.gymapi.Tensor

Internal wrapper class of tensors.

property data_address

address of data

property data_ptr

pointer to buffer

property device
property dtype

data type

property ndim

number of dimensions

property own_data

flag for ownership

property shape

tensor shape

class isaacgym.gymapi.RigidContact

Rigid Bodies contact information. Each contact in simulation generates a set of information.

property body0

Colliding rigid body indexes in the environment, -1 if it is ground plane

property body1

Colliding rigid body indexes in the environment, -1 if it is ground plane

property env0

Environment contact body0 belongs to, -1 if it is shared/unrecognized env

property env1

Environment contact body1 belongs to, -1 if it is shared/unrecognized env

property friction

Effective coefficient of Friction between bodies pair

property initial_overlap

Amount of overlap along normal direction at the start of the time-step

property lambda

Contact force magnitude

property lambda_friction

Friction forces magnitudes. The direction of the friction force is the projection on the normal plane of the relative velocity of the bodies.

property local_pos0

Local space position of the body0 contact feature excluding thickness, normal forces applied here

property local_pos1

Local space position of the body1 contact feature excluding thickness, normal forces applied here

property min_dist

Minimum distance to try and maintain along the contact normal between the two points

property normal

Contact normal from body0->body1 in world space

property offset0

The local space offset from the feature localPos0 to the surface. That’s the location where friction will be applied

property offset1

The local space offset from the feature localPos1 to the surface. That’s the location where friction will be applied

property rolling_friction

Effective coeffitienc of Rolling Friction between bodies pair

property torsion_friction

Effective coefficient of Torsional friction between bodies pair

class isaacgym.gymapi.ActionEvent
property action
property value
class isaacgym.gymapi.FlexParams

Simulation parameters used for FleX physics engine

property contact_regularization

Distance for soft bodies to maintain against ground planes

property deterministic_mode

Flag to activate deterministic simulation. Flex Newton solver only

property dynamic_friction

Coefficient of friction used when colliding against shapes

property friction_mode

Type of friction mode:

  • 0 single friction dir, non-linear cone projection, but can't change direction during linear solve
    • 1 two friction dirs, non-linear cone projection, can change direction during linear solve

    • 2 same as above plus torsional (spinning) friction

property geometric_stiffness

Improves stability of joints by approximating the system Hessian

property max_rigid_contacts

Max number of rigid body contacts

property max_soft_contacts

Max number of soft body contacts

property num_inner_iterations

Number of inner loop iterations taken by the solver per simulation step. Is used only by Newton solver.

property num_outer_iterations

Number of iterations taken by the solver per simulation step.

property particle_friction

Coefficient of friction used when colliding particles

property relaxation

Control the convergence rate of the parallel solver. Values greater than 1 may lead to instability.

property return_contacts

Read contact information back to CPU

property shape_collision_distance

Distance for soft bodies to maintain against rigid bodies and ground plane

property shape_collision_margin

Distance for rigid bodies at which contacts are generated

property solver_type

Type of solver used:

  • 0 = XPBD (GPU)

  • 1 = Newton Jacobi (GPU)

  • 2 = Newton LDLT (CPU)

  • 3 = Newton PCG (CPU)

  • 4 = Newton PCG (GPU)

  • 5 = Newton PCR (GPU)

  • 6 = Newton Gauss Seidel (CPU)

  • 7 = Newton NNCG (GPU)

property static_friction

Coefficient of static friction used when colliding against shapes

property warm_start

Fraction of the cached Lagrange Multiplier to be used on the next simulation step.

class isaacgym.gymapi.PhysXParams

Simulation parameters used for PhysX physics engine

property always_use_articulations

If set, even single-body actors will be created as articulations

property bounce_threshold_velocity

A contact with a relative velocity below this will not bounce. A typical value for simulation stability is about 2*gravity*dt/num_substeps.

property contact_collection

Contact collection mode

property contact_offset

Shapes whose distance is less than the sum of their contactOffset values will generate contacts.

property default_buffer_size_multiplier

Default buffer size multiplier

property friction_correlation_distance

Friction correlation distance

property friction_offset_threshold

Friction offset threshold

property max_depenetration_velocity

The maximum velocity permitted to be introduced by the solver to correct for penetrations in contacts.

property max_gpu_contact_pairs

Maximum number of contact pairs

property num_position_iterations

PhysX solver position iterations count. Range [1,255]

property num_subscenes

Number of subscenes for multithreaded simulation

property num_threads

Number of CPU threads used by PhysX. Should be set before the simulation is created. Setting this to 0 will run the simulation on the thread that calls PxScene::simulate(). A value greater than 0 will spawn numCores-1 worker threads.

property num_velocity_iterations

PhysX solver velocity iterations count. Range [1,255]

property rest_offset

Two shapes will come to rest at a distance equal to the sum of their restOffset values.

property solver_type

Type of solver used.

  • 0 : PGS (Iterative sequential impulse solver

  • 1 : TGS (Non-linear iterative solver, more robust but slightly more expensive

property use_gpu

Use PhysX GPU. Disabled at the moment.

class isaacgym.gymapi.SimParams

Gym Simulation Parameters

property dt

Simulation step size

property enable_actor_creation_warning
property flex

Flex specific simulation parameters (See isaacgym.gymapi.FlexParams)

property gravity

3-Dimension vector representing gravity force in Newtons.

property num_client_threads
property physx

PhysX specific simulation parameters (See isaacgym.gymapi.PhysXParams)

property stress_visualization
property stress_visualization_max
property stress_visualization_min
property substeps

Number of subSteps for simulation

property up_axis

Up axis

property use_gpu_pipeline
class isaacgym.gymapi.AssetOptions

Defines a set of properties for assets imported into Gym.

property angular_damping

Angular velocity damping for rigid bodies

property armature

The value added to the diagonal elements of inertia tensors for all of the asset’s rigid bodies/links. Could improve simulation stability

property collapse_fixed_joints

Merge links that are connected by fixed joints.

property convex_decomposition_from_submeshes

Whether to treat submeshes in the mesh as the convex decomposition of the mesh. Default False.

property default_dof_drive_mode

Default mode used to actuate Asset joints. See isaacgym.gymapi.DriveModeFlags.

property density

Default density parameter used for calculating mass and inertia tensor when no mass and inertia data are provided, in $kg/m^3$.

property disable_gravity

Disables gravity for asset.

property enable_gyroscopic_forces

Enable gyroscopic forces (PhysX only).

Set Asset base to a fixed placement upon import.

property flip_visual_attachments

Switch Meshes from Z-up left-handed system to Y-up Right-handed coordinate system.

property linear_damping

Linear velocity damping for rigid bodies.

property max_angular_velocity

Maximum angular velocity for rigid bodies. In $rad/s$.

property max_linear_velocity

Maximum linear velocity for rigid bodies. In $m/s$.

property mesh_normal_mode

How to load normals for the meshes in the asset. One of FROM_ASSET, COMPUTE_PER_VERTEX, or COMPUTE_PER_FACE. Defaults to FROM_ASSET, falls back to COMPUTE_PER_VERTEX if normals not fully specified in mesh.

property min_particle_mass

Minimum mass for particles in soft bodies, in Kg

property override_com

Whether to compute the center of mass from geometry and override values given in the original asset.

property override_inertia

Whether to compute the inertia tensor from geometry and override values given in the original asset.

property replace_cylinder_with_capsule

flag to replace Cylinders with capsules for additional performance.

property slices_per_cylinder

Number of faces on generated cylinder mesh, excluding top and bottom.

property tendon_limit_stiffness

Default tendon limit stiffness. Choose small as the limits are not implicitly solved. Avoid oscillations by setting an apporpriate damping value.

property thickness

Thickness of the collision shapes. Sets how far objects should come to rest from the surface of this body

property use_mesh_materials

Whether to use materials loaded from mesh files instead of the materials defined in asset file. Default False.

property use_physx_armature

Use joint space armature instead of links inertia tensor modififcations.

property vhacd_enabled

Whether convex decomposition is enabled. Used only with PhysX. Default False.

property vhacd_params

Convex decomposition parameters. Used only with PhysX. If not specified, all triangle meshes will be approximated using a single convex hull.

class isaacgym.gymapi.CameraProperties

Properties for a camera in Gym

property enable_tensors

CUDA interop buffers will be available only if this is true.

property far_plane

distance in world coordinates to far-clipping plane

property height

Height of output images in pixels

property horizontal_fov

Horizontal field of view in degrees. Vertical field of view is calculated from height to width ratio

property near_plane

distance in world coordinate units to near-clipping plane

property supersampling_horizontal

oversampling factor in the horiziontal/X direction

property supersampling_vertical

oversampling factor in the vertical/Y direction

property use_collision_geometry

If true, camera renders collision meshes instead of visual meshes

property width

Width of output images in pixels

class isaacgym.gymapi.PerformanceTimers

Amount of time in seconds spent doing the respective activity since last query

property frame_idling

idling to keep updates close to graphics framerate

property graphics_image_retrieval

Copying images from the GPU to CPU

property graphics_sensor_rendering

Rendering image sensors

property graphics_viewer_rendering

Rendering the viewer

property physics_data_movement

Copying physics state to/from the GPU

property physics_sim

Running physics simulation

property total_time

sum of all other timers

class isaacgym.gymapi.VhacdParams

VHACD Convex Decomposition parameters

property alpha

Controls the bias toward clipping along symmetry planes. 0.0-1.0. Default 0.05.

property beta

Controls the bias toward clipping along revolution axes. 0.0-1.0. Default 0.05.

property concavity

Maximum concavity. 0.0-1.0. Default 0.0.

property convex_hull_approximation

Default True.

property convex_hull_downsampling

Controls the precision of the convex-hull generation process during the clipping plane selection stage. 1-16. Default 4.

property max_convex_hulls

Maximum number of convex hulls. Default 64.

property max_num_vertices_per_ch

Controls the maximum number of vertices per convex-hull. 4-1024. Default 64.

property min_volume_per_ch

Controls the adaptive sampling of the generated convex-hulls. 0.0-0.01. Default 0.0001.

property mode

tetrahedron-based approximate convex decomposition. Default 0.




voxel-based approximate convex decomposition, 1

property ocl_acceleration

Default True.

property pca

Enable/disable normalizing the mesh before applying the convex decomposition. 0-1. Default 0.

property plane_downsampling

Controls the granularity of the search for the “best” clipping plane. 1-16. Default 4.

property project_hull_vertices

Default True.

property resolution

Maximum number of voxels generated during the voxelization stage. 10,000-64,000,000. Default 100,000.

class isaacgym.gymapi.HeightFieldParams

The heightfield origin is at its center (height = 0), and it is oriented to be perpendicular to the the Gym up-axis.

property column_scale

Spacing of samples [m] in column dimension

property dynamic_friction

Coefficient of dynamic friction

property nbColumns



Number of samples in column dimension (Y-up


Z, Z-up

property nbRows

Number of samples in row dimension (X)

property restitution

Coefficient of restitution

property row_scale

Spacing of samples [m] in row dimension

property segmentation_id

SegmentationID value for segmentation ground truth

property static_friction

Coefficient of static friction

property transform

Transform to apply to heightfield

property vertical_scale

Vertical scaling [m] to apply to integer height samples

class isaacgym.gymapi.TriangleMeshParams

Triangle Mesh properties

property dynamic_friction

Coefficient of dynamic friction

property nb_triangles

Number of triangles

property nb_vertices

Number of vertices

property restitution

Coefficient of restitution

property segmentation_id

SegmentationID value for segmentation ground truth

property static_friction

Coefficient of static friction

property transform

Transform to apply to heightfield